If you've tried counseling, therapy, coaching, or anything else and you haven't gotten the results you've been looking for, we'll find out what's going on and shift it.
I have a deep understanding of Universal Law and psychological processes, as well as trainings in multiple modalities.
My unique perspective will help you bridge the gap and put the pieces together!
Are you ready to take your healing journey to the next level?
These are immersive and experiential offerings that give you the individual guidance you desire, while being in a supportive and encouraging group setting.
We are not meant to go it alone!
Our transformative workshops invite you to embrace the power of self-growth and self-care in a safe, nurturing environment that evokes a sense of belonging.
Each workshop will take a deeper look at the challenges we face in specific areas and provide the guidance and tools needed to navigate this journey with more ease, and less struggle.
Our community is still in the developing phase.
Find out more and join our private FB group.
(We don't send a bunch of junk email. We're not a fan of that either!)